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Home at Last

Another brief update to let you know that Robin is home from his two and a half weeks in hospital. The recovery process was initially very slow, resulting in the extended stay. Once the bowels finally decided to start back up again, the various tubes were able to come out one by one and we are very thankful to be back home together again at last. There is still some way to go before Robin will continue with the immunotherapy treatments, as he is still weak and healing from the surgery. In the meantime, he has been referred to hospice for pain management and an overall care plan. With pain both as a result of the surgery as well as from the cancer, combined with the need to allow the bowels to ease back into action gently and slowly, pain relief has been and continues to be a rather complex problem to find a solution to.

We still have a long, uncertain and difficult road ahead of us. The surgery has been a major roadblock and we are thankful to be on the other side of that again, but we are also quite apprehensive about what still lies ahead.

Thank you to the many who have supported us the last few difficult weeks with messages of support, prayers, visits and practical help. We ask that you would continue to pray for healing and strength and for the immunotherapy to be able to restart and be effective.

With love,



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