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Don’t Look Down

Here we go again. This roller coaster we are all on, has not, as it turns out, run out of twists yet. Just as we thought we were nearing the end, our hopes have been sent soaring once again. Cautiously soaring, that is.

We were expecting Dad’s oncologist to be grim-faced as he greeted us at the appointment yesterday. But he wasn’t. We were expecting to receive the final confirmation that Dad had reached the end of the road when it came to treatment options. But we didn’t. The spark of life, as Doc put it, is strong. And Dad is a fighter, if I’ve ever seen one. Despite all odds, his albumin, bilirubin, and liver numbers had improved - slightly. Another tiny glimmer of hope just to keep us guessing. And just enough hope for Doc to cautiously give Dad the ok to resume doublet immunotherapy.

So, here we go again. The odds of immunotherapy working are not great, the risk of life-threatening side effects are a terrifying possibility, but the alternative is even scarier. Onwards and upwards on the most hair-raising ride of our lives we go. Hold on tight… and don’t look down.


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